Why I Love Montessori

It’s a pretty self-explanatory title. There’s so many great things about the Montessori method, but here are some of the reasons why I love Montessori. In no particular order…


Concrete to Abstract. I love that concepts start with something concrete and move to abstract. Especially in math. Throughout my schooling years even through high school, I struggled with math. I hated it. After seeing the way math is taught in a Montessori environment I was a bit jealous! To think so many of my struggles with math would have been bypassed!

I love that Montessori teaches to learn quantity with things like Cards & Counters and the golden beads. For example, with Cards & Counters you have the numbers 1 to 10 laid out on a mat and they you place the quantity of each number under the number of that card. Number 1 would have one counter, number 2 would have two, etc. Even more what I love is that a beginning work like cards and counters introduces the child to odd and even before even calling it that!

Exploration & Discovery. Everything is something to be discovered. I love that children aren’t just handed information in a book and told to learn it, but are given a set of materials and exercises that require them to use their senses. Montessori is very hands on and tactile. I think that is what fosters the love for learning is the freedom to explore without negative consequences.

Love of Learning. The Montessori environment is just so different that it doesn’t hold the same connotation of a traditional school, meaning how school is often portrayed as boring, obligatory, and stifling. I rarely heard a child complain about being at school! They were always excited about what the were working on or what they were working toward. I love that Montessori doesn’t just lecture, but encourages children to delve deeper, ask questions, and examine for themselves.

Independence. I love that children are taught to be independent and not in a way that is completely autonomous from others. They’re taught how to interact in community, but also to be able to contribute to that community. They’re taught skills that will allow them to continue to grow into productive and contributing members of their family and society.

Control of Error. Bouncing off independence, I love that Montessori incorporated ‘control of error’ into the materials, since it allows the child to see their own mistakes and correct themselves.

Practical Life. Simply put: it’s practical. I love it all…from the dressing frames to spooning and pouring. Practical life is quite possibly my favorite part of the Montessori classroom. They’re fun activities for the children that are developing skills that build the foundation for later skills and life.

The Child. I love the look on a child’s face when they have conquered a task on their own or solved a problem with their own skills. I love to see the determined look on their face when they’re learning a new skill. Like how my son has such an intense focus as he’s learning to turn the pages of a book by himself. It’s so much fun to see the challenge and determination of a child.

Age Integration. Even though my first opinion of different ages being in the same class was unfavorable, I’ve come to see just how beneficial it is for the children. The older children take delight in teaching and helping the younger children with their tasks and the younger children look up with such fond admiration and wonder at the work of the older children. I’ve seen it as a starting point for many children who were “wanderers” until they noticed an older child doing a work that intrigued them and then asked the teacher if they could do it as well.

There are just a few of the reasons why I love Montessori. I’m sure there are more detailed reasons and things that have slipped my mind at the moment, but these are definitely the top reasons why I think Montessori is so great.

What are your favorite aspects about the Montessori method?

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  • Green Mamma July 29, 2009, 11:59 am

    I also “heart” the practical living aspects as well as that children learn to move from the concrete to the abstract (many students struggle with math); I too was fond of a mixed age classroom, though, and I am basing this upon what I have heard other parents of older children report, I am concerned that older children (when not supervised, and sometimes this happens) will bully younger children (this has gone on at the playground of a Montessori school during mixed age outdoor time). That said, I participated in a wonderful mixed age Montessori home group where the older children loved being able to show the younger children how to do something or other . . . I think what it comes down to is “who” is guiding our children because even though it is a controlled learning environment that encourages independence, the director or directress plays an important role in nurturing a healthy learning environment. Just my 2 cents.

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