We’ve definitely arrived to the dog days of summer. It’s hot and, pretty much, miserable outside. When we went on a short family hike last Tuesday and you could see the humidity hanging in the air. Our temperatures lately have been averaging in the high 90’s pushing the heat index into the 110’s.
We’re a little stretched trying to find enough activities to keep the boys occupied and a chance to work some energy off. Joey tends to get a little slap happy when he’s been inside too long.
In Our Classroom
This week we introduced Otto to table food, which was fun! He absolutely loves it and we finally got a high chair for him, so he doesn’t have to sit on our laps anymore . (Thanks, Grandpa!)
So far it seems his favorite combination is oatmeal with bananas. He definitely joins his place at the table.
My father-in-law is visiting for the month, so there’s been lots of book reading and playing. Near constant entertainment.
Flour Sifting – (You can read the post here).
Joey actually set-up this work, when I was setting out other work. This is something Otto plays with more than Joey works with, but I loved that Joey took the initiative to set-up work on his own.
In and Out –
Tonging – Joey struggles with opening and closing the tongs using one hand, so we’ll be seeing more variations of this work.
Pouring –
This morning Joey came out in the living room, looked at the shelf, and said, “Mommy, I want some new work.” Apparently, I have a job to do today! 🙂
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2 comments… add one
I LOVE that Joey set up his own work! The flour sifting is a wonderful idea! And how awesome to have Grandpa there for a month! 🙂
We’ve been struggling with the heat and humidity here too. The last few mornings we’ve actually been able to go outside which has been SO nice! I really like the in/out activity – so simple but so fun. Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday. 🙂