I started this year with blogging vigor. My posting schedule planned with monthly topics for Montessori 101, a book club in the works, and outlines for a few behind the scenes projects. But the last two months things have grown pretty quiet around here. Why?
We’re expecting Baby #4 in October, so the last three months I’ve been in survival mode. For awhile, I was able to keep the Montessori wheels turning, but once the nausea and exhaustion hit full force I just had to stop. My exhaustion was so strong for awhile thinking beyond the necessities was…let’s say, pretty unfruitful.
At 15 weeks, I’m just beginning to get my energy back (some days are better than others) and I’ve regained most of my mental clarity. I’m looking to find a new normal in this season. I’d love to be back to my old, productive self, but I know even with the best laid plans things change.
I’m hoping to return to writing the Montessori 101 posts in the next few weeks. The next topic is the Prepared Environment. For now, you can revisit earlier posts in the series on the history of Montessori, Montessori’s approach to the child, sensitive periods and the absorbent mind, how children work and we can help, and creativity and imagination.
I’m still trying to decide what to do with the OMH Book Club. It kind of fell off the wayside midway through Montessori Today. I’m not ready to drop the ball completely, especially since I’ve been looking forward to reading our next book Home Grown
by Ben Hewitt. It feels a bit timely in the wake of numerous reports of overzealous neighbors policing parenting. Perhaps it’ll show up on the blog rather than the FB group…thoughts?
Alright…want to keep up with Our Montessori Home as I figure out the new normal? You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram (@Jess_Reflects), or sign up for the newsletter.
P.S. – The day of these pictures was also the day we found out we were pregnant. And I totally feel like I forgot something in this post. Oh! The blog is getting a makeover and it’s pretty. 🙂
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