June Goals

June Goals

I can’t quite believe it’s already June. The year is half over. Where has my life gone?

It’s summer and in some ways it feels a bit of an adjustment. We don’t have kids coming home from school, no new babies or big trips, but it feels like we’re in a season of adjusting and finding a new rhythm for what our family needs and how we’re growing.

Since June is the new January, why not a few goals to guide us along?

1. Our Family Rhythms. We generally have a certain pace to our days and week as a family, but the last two months we went on vacation and had a lot of family visiting and events that we lost some of our routine. I could feel we were all a little more unstrung. It always helps me and, consequently, the kids when we have a rhythm and routine to our days. We’ve had this same rhythm before, but in the hustle of life much of it got lost.Our Family Rhythm

(Also, Canva is great for making pretty stuff.)

2. Finish the eBook. I’m at the point where I’m so close, but still so far away. What book? Over the years of blogging, I’ve gotten so many questions on Montessori for infants and toddlers and since that is what my training is in and I have the ground experience (my kiddos are 5, 3, and 1), writing a book on the subject seemed like the perfect idea! The book, Montessori for Infants & Toddlers, is divided into two parts. The first part details the Montessori philosophy and how it can be adapted in the home, while the second part is just over 100 Montessori activities for infants, toddlers, and twos. (Sign up for the Newsletter to get book updates!)

Part 1 is almost finished. It’s Part 2 that’s beginning to look daunting. The activities are already outlined, I just need to write them up and then…build and take pictures of all 100+ activities. During the school year, I was blessed with an awesome babysitter who my kids love. She’d watch the kids twice a week and I’d get 4-5 hours a week just to write. Since she’s home for the summer, I’ve been having a harder time to find time to write. There may be some late nights in my future.

3. Lower Expectations. I’m notorious for coming up with great plans to get all the things done. And then I get frustrated and disappointed when not even half of ‘all the things’ doesn’t get done. I’m realizing I need to lower my expectations in regard to what I get done around the house, my work, and even our family rhythm. (I feel this is a lesson I’m relearning every few months.) I’ve operated so long by to do lists and measuring sticks, I always feel someone’s looking over my shoulder to see if I’ve got the dishes done, the floor swept, read to the kids, and kept in line with my personal goals. I’m learning…slowly…I need to be okay with less. Getting less done and even setting out to accomplish less. The payoff is the less I’m mentally trying to shift things around, itemizing activities and task to get more done I can be more present in my life. Take the moments.

4. Summer Reading List. I love to read and I’m constantly adding books to my mental book pile. I want to pick 5-6 to set aside for the summer and just start. Any suggestions?

5. Sugar Detox. With company and lots of gatherings, some of those healthier habits went by the wayside. I’m starting 21-Day Sugar Detox in the next week. I’ve done a Whole 30 before and generally we eat real food style, but sugar is definitely a sweet spot.

6. Get Outside. Okay. Honestly? I love the idea of being a naturalist. But I’m also a homebody, so getting outside for me is watering the garden or checking the mail. My goal for June (and the summer really) is to try to get outside with the kids every day. No time limit, because we live in the South Carolina where 90 degrees feels like 100 and five minutes standing outside warrants a shower. But, sweat aside, I really do want us to get outside more and go exploring. I even made us a Summer Adventures sheet.

Summer Adventures

7. New Blog Design. I’ve been itching for a makeover for awhile now.  My goal for June is to get all the ducks in a row to make that happen. Soon. Because it looks like 2007 up in here.

How is your June shaping up? Any goals?


linking up with The Tiny Twig & other goal setters

The Tiny Twig

1 comment… add one

  • Jordyn June 30, 2014, 10:25 pm

    I am so thrilled to have found your blog through this link up! I am a nanny and I loveee incorporating montessori/reggio activities into the girls’ lives. I can’t wait to explore your site more!!

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