Goals from June:
1. Family Rhythm. We’re finding a summer rhythm. We don’t always follow our dailies (storytelling, baking, painting, etc.), but we got a membership at the Y for the summer and have been taking classes and heading to the pool afterward a couple times a week.
2. Finish the eBook. Did not happen. I hardly found the time to work on it. (What’s it? My upcoming eBook Montessori for Infants & Toddlers.) Part of my problem is the mental hurdle of I’ve finished Part 1 (the philosophy and Why?) and am now on to Part 2 of writing up 100 activities. Ouch. It’s a lot to think of and break down the little pieces that have become second nature, so that someone completely new to Montessori can pick it up and feel confident preparing and presenting lessons.
3. Lower Expectations. I actually think I did this one. Truthfully. I settled with myself that we were going to make the gym and pool a priority for the summer, knowing it’d take a good bit of prep to get us there with towels, suits, and lunches. So far it’s been
4. Summer Reading List. I love reading. I really do, but I’ve struggled this summer finding books to keep me interested. And time to read. Hello.
Over the weekend, I picked up The Last Sin Eater* by Francine Rivers and have been enjoying it so far. I’m also reading Dr. Montessori’s Own Handbook
and The Hidden Smile of God
by John Piper (from The Swans are Not Silent series).
5. Sugar Detox. I started the detox off well, but was interrupted by unexpected personal circumstances. I’m hoping to restart soon.
6. Get Outside. We haven’t gotten outside quite the way I envisioned it. We go to the pool a couple of times a week and are in our garden a bit every other day. But, honestly? The weather does not encourage it.
7. New Blog Design. With the encouragement of a friend,I’ve decided to revamp my little corner of the internet myself. Or at least spruce it up. I’ve been playing around with fonts, colors, and even staging pictures to find the look I want. It’s 1 part fun, 1 part frustrating, but I enjoy the process.
One of my summer dreams for the last few years was to have a Midsummer night party. We finally did…hence all the fairy pictures!
July Goals:
1. Finish the eBook. For real this time. Not down to final edits and all the pictures, but my goal is to have at least the rough draft completed.
2. Finish 2 books. I’m guessing if I like the ones I’m currently reading, I’ll have 3 finished by the end of the month. Any suggestions? I’ve been itching for a page-turner…but one that’s not going to creep me out.
3. Continue Our Summer Adventures. This month I’m focusing on a stargazing picnic and hopefully (*fingers crossed*) find our way to the little seaside town I grew-up in for a visit to the beach and the Lowcountry.
4. Finish & Launch the New Blog Look. This should be fun. Also…Our Montessori Home turns 5 this month! Five!
I stumbled on a homeschooling mama conference different from the rest. Wild & Free. I’m smitten…and trying to find a way to go.
image by @tissespieces
“Whether or not you educate your children at home, you believe childhood is a wonder to behold, to be cultivated with love, nature and adventure. […] We may not all use the same approach to homeschool our kids… or the the same curriculum or the same schedule. But there’s one thing that unites all of us – we want our children to grow up to be their true, uninhibited, beautiful selves. We want them to Be Wild & Free.”
What are your plans for July?
Linking up with The Tiny Twig’s Goals with Grace.
*This post contains affiliate links.
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