Last week we had our first week of school. Yay! I’ve been quiet around here, because I was planning, getting things ready, and waiting for supplies we ordered. We’re still waiting for the supplies, because there was a hang-up in our order.
I wanted to wait until we had everything I had planned, but I had already postponed a week and wanted to get started. So we did.
It’s been a lot of fun. I wanted our time to mirror a traditional classroom, so we are having school in a 3-hour block in the morning. It’s a slow transition getting use to staying focused on school for that long, but going slow has been good for us.
We walk the line, sing a few songs at circle time, do our calendar, and then get to work!
Joey’s in a sensitive period for pre-reading/writing. He has been doing a lot of coloring, drawing, and cutting work. I’ve set out different works that would help him to strengthen his pincer grasp and the hand coordination needed for writing.
Our theme this month is dinosaurs. I was planning to do My World & I, but Joey had become so enraptured with dinosaurs that I wanted to capitalize on his interest.  It’s been a lot of fun and I’m surprised at how much he is remembering and learning!
Working on our dinosaur puzzle from Melissa & Doug
And now time for…

10 comments… add one
I adore your “First Day” photos!!
The little guy I nanny for is 4 1/2 and is so into dinosaurs too! Looks like you had a great first week:)
I love the photos with the chalkboards. So cute!
My son went through a huge dino craze and is now revisiting the phase. So, we did a lot of similar activities to you.
If you have not listened to the Wee Sing Dinos CD, you may wish to. My kids love it!
I’ll definitely have to look for that cd! I know Joey would have a blast with it.
What a great start to your school year … and I LOVE the “baby school”! I always remember my son, who’s 5 years older than my daughter, making a “baby school” sign for his sister. It’s wonderful that the littlest ones can be part of homeschooling, too! Great activities for both your boys! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:
Thank you again, Deb. 🙂
As always I LOVE it!! Can’t wait to see more prescool and baby school ideas! I should also let you know that I linked your “Toys and the Child” series to my blog today. 🙂
Oh, thanks! 🙂
I love your chalkboard signs. What a fun way to celebrate and remember the first day. The baby school photos are too cute. Love the stacking cup tower and the great dinosaur tray ideas.
Hi Jessica,
I really like how you have kept virtual record of your homeschooling experience. It is really nice to see how you set up the environment, change the materials and adapt for the ages of your children. I am just finishing AMI Primary training and have been living in Koh Samui, Thailand since 2008. I was also an assistant in Montessori schools before becoming a mom. There aren’t any Montessori schools on the islands, so I went for training and we started a school and brought teachers. However, although it was a great experience, business-wise, it was not so easy and as a mother of 2 young ones, I was over-stretched. Now we are looking at homeschooling instead, either just with our two or inviting some previous students to join us as well. I am nervous about being my children’s academic teacher as well as mom and it is reassuring to see how you have done it.