Age: 12 – 18 months
Goal: To lay the foundation for matching skills and to develop concentration.
Materials: mat, basket, three pairs (such as shoes, socks, mittens/gloves, animals, cutlery, balls, etc)

Matching Pairs
- Prepare the work and get out the mat.
- With the work facing the child and the mat between you, set the basket to the child’s right.
- Take one item out of the basket and examine it. Then set it down on the mat.
- Take a second item (not the match) out of the basket, examine it, and then compare it to the first item by setting them beside each other. Return it to the basket.
- Now take the matching item out and examine it alongside the first item. Then lay it aside its match.
- Do the same with the remaining items until all have been matched.
- Once you have completed the activity, invite the child to do the activity. Once the child is engaged, step back and observe without interfering with the child’s work.
- When the child is finished with the activity, take him/her with you to return the work and mat to its proper place.
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